Meeting Local Pollution Control Board’s norms, coupled with depleting natural water resources make proper treatment and disposal of residual wastewater very important, now more than ever.

At Growel, we design, manufacture, supply, and install completely automatic Effluent Treatment Plants for various industries. We also help in Improvement and modification of your existing ETP to achieve desired limiting standards laid down by the Pollution Control Board (PCB).

Our ETP systems can treat a range of Effluents and wastewater by advanced physico-chemical treatments with tertiary polishing systems for removal of organic, inorganic, oil and grease, heavy metals, and suspended solids.

At Growel, we provide completely automatic Effluent Treatment Plants for various industries.



Automatic Operation


PLC Controlled


Advanced Sludge Handling




Easy Operation and Maintenance


Compact Design, Less Footprint


Advanced treatments like
Filtration, Membrane Technology, and Zero Liquid Discharge.

Oil Skimmer

An oil skimmer is a device designed to eliminate oil floating on a liquid surface. Depending on its design, it is used for a variety of applications such as collecting fats, oils, and greases in wastewater treatment in various industries, treatment of Oily water, removing oil from machine tool coolants and aqueous parts washers.


Pre-treating the effluent with oil skimmers reduces the overall load on the ETP system and reduces the cost of cleaning the effluent. Skimmers are available in different types, such as: Belt, Drum and Disk etc.

Tube Settler

Tube Settler System is an effective alternative to the conventional sedimentation process.

Tube Settlers are generally used to remove solid particulates or suspended solids from liquid for clarification by mechanical means. It is also used for continuous removal of solids being deposited by sedimentation. Concentrated impurities, discharged from the bottom of the tank are known as sludge.

Before the water enters the settler, coagulation and flocculation reagents are added, which allows the separation of the solids in the settler to occur more efficiently and easily; aiding in the conservation of energy.

We provide optimum cost of ownership with Quality and Performance